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27 Responses to Jokes

  1. kilir says:

    ‘ is it bed banana ‘ ?

  2. s.farag says:

    Good guess, but no, that is not the right answer!

  3. s.farag says:

    Here is another one to think about…
    A doctor and a boy were fishing. The boy was the doctor’s son, but the doctor was not the boy’s father. Who was the doctor?

  4. dward says:

    Is it an ape-ri-cot??????

  5. smita says:

    What do you get if you cross some ants with some tics?
    All sorts of antics!

    • korow says:

      Hi Aaliyah,
      I think that is a very good joke.When I read it I never knew what the answer was but then I saw it and I laughted.
      By Wiktoria 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. smita says:

    What medicine would you give an ill ant?

  7. karab says:

    I bet it’s a bed apple that feel’s like a soft bannana

  8. reida says:

    i know a a grilla

  9. ndojk says:

    i think that a gorila would sleep on apps

  10. ndojk says:

    why did the alien stop at a green light?

  11. ndojk says:

    there is a man inside a room, and nothing is in it excepte for a ice-cube and a pice of string, how dose he die???

  12. ndojk says:

    there are 2 sons and 2 fathers they all go out on a fishing trip, they all cath 1 fish eath, when they get home they only have 3 fish, non of the fish is lost or gone.
    why is this?

  13. salms says:

    ndojk, I know what it is.

    I’ve heard of that 100 of times..

    And is the answer 3?

  14. ndojk says:

    i already told you they had 3 fish, but the joke was to tell me how there was 3 fish if every boudy had 3!!

  15. sadis says:

    What has two humps and is found at the north pole?
    Answer:A lost camel!

  16. korow says:

    Hehe I have no idea whats the answer for the joke but me (Wiktoria Koronkiewicz) and my brother (Adam Koronkiewicz)]
    but we are think that it might be an watermelon or a pineapple or melon but we are not saying that we are corrwct we are just guessing so it might of be wrong or correct no one know.

  17. ogunj says:

    I have a joke. You might know it. why was Cinderella so bad at football?
    ANSWER: because her coach was a pumpkin


  18. dshort says:

    What do you call a skeleton that won’t get up in the morning?

    Lazy bones!

    Mr Short

  19. ogunj says:

    Thats very funny.


  20. ndojk says:

    got a joke for every one,
    its really funny,it gose like this,
    what do you get if you call 666?
    the upsidedown police!!

  21. ndojk says:

    i have another good joke,
    what do you get if you cross a cow and a camil??
    a lumpy milkshake!!
    really funny,
    do you get it?
    if you dont let me exlain it to you,ok,
    you milk from a cow right,so that makes the milkshake,camils have humps so that macks the lumps.
    funny now?

  22. ndojk says:

    the joke ontop of this jock is by: klea

  23. ogunj says:

    Hi guys,
    I hope you guys are in for a joke! This joke is not made by me but I hope you like it. (I wouldn’t like to steel someones joke without telling them. Would I?)
    Well if you are then here it is………….
    Q: What is the dogs favourite city?
    A: New Yorkie!


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