Faith Suika

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4 Responses to Faith Suika

  1. smita says:

    I really like your acrostic poem Faith! It tells a lot about, you especially that you’re full of faith.


    • karae says:

      I agree with you Aaliyah… it really does tell a-lot about Faith and that she is actually always full of faith.
      By: Ela

  2. karae says:

    Hey Faith,
    I really loved your poem, I have nothing to say that you need to improve on. This poem describes you as you really are. You are a kind and pretty girl. I wouldn’t like you to change because I’m happy with who you are and how you are. I wish to read more of your fantastic poems.
    By: Ela

    • karae says:

      I forgot to say that I love the choice of the font you have chosen. I also love the picture of the girl singing as you always sing.
      By: Ela

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