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6 Responses to Wiktoria

  1. bektm says:

    Hello Wiktoria, I liked your friendship poem a lot because it sounds amazing and it nearly describes our friendship 🙂

  2. smita says:

    What an amazing poem Wiktoria? I think it is great, keep it up.
    You know what would make even better if you had changed the font of your text!

    • korow says:

      Hello Aaliyah I think I should so I will edit it and change the font.Thank you for telling me that I could of change the font.Thank you 🙂 🙂
      By wiktoria

  3. sanci says:

    what an fantastic poem Wictoria i think that poem is the best poem i have read

    by Ibrahim

  4. ogunj says:

    I think it describes you and Melissa’s friendship.


  5. korow says:

    Hello Joyce,
    You are right it does discribe my and melissa’s friendship 🙂
    By Wiktoria

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