Put Downs By Faith Suika

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4 Responses to Put Downs By Faith Suika

  1. browg says:

    Hi Faith,
    That blog was really good and it gives people advice for when they’ve been put down.You’re blog has also given me advice for when people put me down.

  2. karae says:

    Hello Faith,
    I really liked this, however isn’t this a song? I really liked how you have chosed a bright colour for your background. In addition I thought that you should of changed the font, changed the colour of the writing and I also think that you should of added some photographs as these things would make your blog-post look more interesting. Other than all of those I liked it.
    From: Ela 🙂 🙂 🙂 😛 😛 😛 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Aaliyah says:

    Wow Faith,
    I like your “put down” poem…
    Is it a poem??
    Because by reading it, it sounds like something I`ve heard before!
    It`s really good and I know you made it up well done.
    Your a poem writing star!!
    🙂 🙂


  4. faity says:

    Hi ,
    Thank all of you for commenting and Ela it is a song and I will use all of those tips in the future.

    Faith Suika 🙂 😀 😉

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