A poem about volcanoes

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4 Responses to A poem about volcanoes

  1. Dan says:

    Great acrostic. I really enjoyed reading this. The line about orange lava is particularly good and the poem really links together well to build a picture in the readers head. I look forward to reading your next post.

  2. kesky says:

    I loved reading your blog because its really enjoyable and it make you want to read it again I also liked the first line it was really good.Why did you write a poem about Volcanoes?

  3. Ala says:

    I really liked your acrostic poem, it’s cool and kind of true, because you can die when a volcano explodes near you. I liked when you wrote, “Orange lava vomiting everywhere.” I’m looking forward to reading your next post. Hope it’s about volcanoes, and maybe a bit more informative (Like all the names of volcanoes and where they are in the world).

    What do you mean by “Lava vanishes” and “Crust falls from volcano”?

  4. dasia says:

    Wow!!I loved your poem!The part I like the most was when you wrote ‘Orange lava vomiting every where’.For me you don’t need to improve nothing because your post was ‘FANTASTIC’.Where did you get the idea of writing a poem on volcanoes?

    Break a leg on your next post!!

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